
прилагательное основанный на фактах, сухой, прозаичный; лишённый фантазии Синоним(ы): unimaginative, prosaic

Большой англо-русский словарь


adjective adhering to the unembellished facts; also being plain, straightforward, or unemotional • matter-of-factly adverbmatter-of-factness noun

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера
matter of fact
a matter of fact
as a matter of fact
matter of course
matter of opinion
a matter of
a matter of course
a matter of life and death
mineral matter of fuel
as a matter of course
as a matter of form
it is only a matter of time
make something a matter of conscience
within a matter of...
conservation of matter
emphasis of matter
emphasis of matter paragraph
law of conservation of matter
state of aggregation of matter
state of matter
suspension of matter in gas
content of solid matter
flood of solid matter
heart of the matter
the root of the matter
master of arts