перфорировать, пробивать отверстия
глагол 1) просверливать или пробивать отверстия, перфорировать, пробуравливать Например: The punches perforate these holes in the paper. — Дырокол пробивает дырки в бумаге. 2) (perforate into / through) проникать (куда-либо / сквозь что-либо)
verb (-rated; -rating) Etymology: Latin perforatus, past participle of perforare to bore through, from per- through + forare to bore — more at bore transitive verb 1. to make a hole through Example: an ulcer perforates the duodenal wall; especially to make a line of holes in to facilitate separation 2. to pass through or into by or as if by making a hole intransitive verb to penetrate a surface • perforate adjective • perforator noun