1) вторичный, второй (по порядку) 2) дополнительный, вспомогательный
1) последующее вступление (сейсмической волны) 2) [электротехника] вторичная цепь 3) низковольтная часть (распределительной сети) 4) вторичная обмотка 5) [радио] ведомая станция
1. прилагательное 1) второй (по порядку) 2) средний (об образовании); второй ступени Например: secondary education — среднее образование secondary technical training — среднее техническое образование 3) а) второстепенный; побочный Например: secondary details — второстепенные детали secondary occupation — неосновное занятие secondary role — роль второго плана Синоним(ы): minor, accessory б) вспомогательный; подсобный Например: secondary verb [лингвистика] — вспомогательный глагол secondary station — подчинённая станция Синоним(ы): subsidiary, auxiliary 4) вторичный; производный Например: secondary data — вторичные данные; производные данные 5) дополнительный, добавочный Например: secondary accent [лингвистика] — дополнительное ударение secondary channel — дополнительный канал 6) [геология] мезозойский 2. имя существительное 1) подчинённый 2) представитель 3) [электротехника]; то же, что и secondary coil - вторичная обмотка
I. adjective 1. a. of second rank, importance, or value b. of, relating to, or constituting the second strongest of the three or four degrees of stress recognized by most linguists Example: the fourth syllable of basketball team carries secondary stress c. of a tense expressive of past time 2. a. immediately derived from something original, primary, or basic b. of, relating to, or being the induced current or its circuit in an induction coil or transformer Example: secondary voltage c. characterized by or resulting from the substitution of two atoms or groups in a molecule Example: a secondary salt; especially being, characterized by, or attached to a carbon atom having bonds to two other carbon atoms d. (1) not first in order of occurrence or development (2) dependent or consequent on another disease or condition Example: secondary hypertension (3) produced by activity of formative tissue and especially cambium other than that at a growing point Example: secondary growth Example: secondary phloem 3. a. of, relating to, or being the second order or stage in a series b. of, relating to, or being the second segment of the wing of a bird or the quills of this segment c. of or relating to a secondary school Example: secondary education • secondarily adverb • secondariness noun II. noun (plural -aries) 1. one occupying a subordinate or auxiliary position rather than that of a principal 2. a defensive football backfield 3. the coil through which the secondary current passes in an induction coil or transformer — called also secondary coil 4. any of the quill feathers of the forearm of a bird — see wing illustration