World-wide web

= World Wide Web, = W3, = WWW "Всемирная паутина", Сеть а) глобальная гипертекстовая система, использующая Internet в качестве транспортного средства. Сеть серверов, по определению её основателя Тима Бернес-Ли (Tim Bernes-Lee), - распределённая гетерогенная информационная мультимедиа-система коллективного пользования Смотри также: audio streaming, browser, deep Web, FTP 1), Gopher, HTTP, Telnet, URL, WAIS б) сервер, на котором хранятся HTML-документы, связанные между собой гипертекстовыми ссылками. Просмотр документов осуществляется с помощью специальных программ (смотри browser), переход на другой документ выполняется щелчком на ссылке

Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов

World-wide web

(WWW, W3, the web) A client-server hypertext distributed information retrieval system, often referred to as "The Internet" though strictly speaking, the Internet is the network and the web is just one use of the network (others being e-mail, DNS, SSH). Basically, the web consists of documents or web pages in HTML format (a kind of hypertext), each of which has a unique URL or "web address". Links in a page are URLs of other pages which may be part of the same website or a page on another site on a different web server anywhere on the Internet. As well as HTML pages, a URL may refer to an image, some code (JavaScript or Java), CSS, a video stream or other kinds of object. The URL "scheme" (the bit before the ":") indicates the protocol to use. These include FTP, the original protocol for transferring files over the Internet. RTSP is a streaming protocol that allow a continuous feed of audio or video from the server to the browser. Gopher was a predecessor of HTTP and Telnet starts an interactive command-line session with a remote server. The web is accessed using a client program known as a web browser that runs on the user's computer. The browser fetches and displays pages and allows the user to follow links by clicking on them (or similar action) and to input queries to the server. A variety of browsers are freely available, e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Early browsers included NCSA Mosaic and Netscape Navigator. Queries can be entered into "forms" which allow the user to enter arbitrary text and select options from customisable menus and other controls. The server processes each request - either a simple URL or data from a form - and returns a response, typically a page of HTML. The World-Wide Web originated from the CERN High-Energy Physics laboratories in Geneva, Switzerland. In the early 1990s, the developers at CERN spread word of the Web's capabilities to scientific and academic audiences worldwide. The World Wide Web Consortium is the main standards body for the web.

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