
имя существительное 1) дракон Например: like a dragon — яростно, мощно We ate roast beef like dragons. — Мы с жадностью набросились на жаркое. 2) а) [зоология] летучий дракон (вид ящерицы) б) [зоология] морской конёк Синоним(ы): dragonet в) [зоология] вид породистого голубя 3) а) человек сурового нрава, тиран б) мегера, стерва; [историческое] дуэнья 4) (the Dragon) [астрономия] Дракон (созвездие) Синоним(ы): Draco 5) [военное дело] а) карабин; карабинер б) тяжелый артиллерийский тягач 6) (the (Old) Dragon) [библеистика] (древний) дракон, змий (одно из имён сатаны в Библии) 7) [устаревшее] смерть 8) то же, что и dragon sovereign - соверен (английская монета с изображением Св. Георгия, попирающего змея) Например: to chase the dragon [жаргон наркоманов] — вводить героин в кровь с помощью шприца

Большой англо-русский словарь


noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French dragun, from Latin dracon-, draco serpent, dragon, from Greek drakōn serpent; akin to Old English torht bright, Greek derkesthai to see, look at 1. archaic a huge serpent 2. a mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent or saurian with a crested head and enormous claws 3. a violent, combative, or very strict person 4. capitalized Draco 5. something or someone formidable or baneful • dragonish adjective

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера


1. An Esprit project aimed at providing effective support to reuse in real-time distributed Ada application programs. 2. An implementation language used by BTI Computer Systems.

Онлайн словарь компьютерных терминов


[MIT] A program similar to a daemon, except that it is not invoked at all, but is instead used by the system to perform various secondary tasks. A typical example would be an accounting program, which keeps track of who is logged in, accumulates load-average statistics, etc. Under ITS, many terminals displayed a list of people logged in, where they were, what they were running, etc., along with some random picture (such as a unicorn, Snoopy or the Enterprise), which was generated by the "name dragon". Use is rare outside MIT, under Unix and most other operating systems this would be called a "background demon" or daemon. The best-known Unix example of a dragon is cron. At SAIL, they called this sort of thing a "phantom".

Онлайн словарь компьютерных терминов