
1) эссенция 2) эфирное масло 3) аромат 4) бензин

Англо-русский политехнический словарь


имя существительное 1) существо, сущность Например: the essence of life — сущность жизни The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted. — Суть консультации заключается в выслушивании и принятии во внимание мнения консультируемых. Others consider that Ireland's very essence is expressed through the language. — Некоторые утверждают, что самая сущность Ирландии проявляется в её языке. Синоним(ы): entity 2) существование Синоним(ы): existence, entity 3) экстракт, эссенция Например: exotic bath essences — экзотический экстракт для ванн 4) квинтэссенция Например: She was the essence of punctuality. — Она была сама пунктуальность. It was a perfect love-letter, that is to say, it was the essence of nonsense. — Это было самое настоящее любовное письмо, иными словами, - полнейшая чепуха. 5) аромат; духи Синоним(ы): odor, perfume

Большой англо-русский словарь


noun Etymology: Middle English essencia, from Latin essentia, from esse to be — more at is 1. a. the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being b. the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence Example: a painting that captures the essence of the land c. the properties or attributes by means of which something can be placed in its proper class or identified as being what it is 2. something that exists; entity 3. a. (1) a volatile substance or constituent (as of perfume) (2) a constituent or derivative possessing the special qualities (as of a plant or drug) in concentrated form; also a preparation of such an essence or a synthetic substitute b. odor, perfume 4. one that possesses or exhibits a quality in abundance as if in concentrated form Example: she was the essence of punctuality 5. the most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person Example: the essence of the issue

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера