имя существительное 1) Евклид, Эвклид (древнегреческий математик) 2) труды Евклида; "Начала" Евклида 3) [студенческий или школьный жаргон] геометрия Например: They were examined in algebra and Euclid. — Их экзаменовали по алгебре и геометрии.
I. biographical name flourished circa 300 B.C. Greek geometer II. geographical name city NE Ohio NE of Cleveland population 52,717
(Named after the Greek geometer, fl ca 300 BC.) A Pascal descendant for development of verifiable system software. No goto, no side effects, no global assignments, no functional arguments, no nested procedures, no floats, no enumeration types. Pointers are treated as indices of special arrays called collections. To prevent aliasing, Euclid forbids any overlap in the list of actual parameters of a procedure. Each procedure gives an imports list, and the compiler determines the identifiers that are implicitly imported. Iterators. Ottawa Euclid is a variant.