сельское хозяйство выгон; выгул; пастбище; пасти
1. имя существительное 1) выгон, пастбище, выпас Синоним(ы): common 2) еда, корм Синоним(ы): food, nourishment, sustenance 3) подножный корм 2. глагол а) пасти (скот) б) пастись
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin pastura, from Latin pastus, past participle of pascere to feed — more at food 1. plants (as grass) grown for the feeding especially of grazing animals 2. land or a plot of land used for grazing 3. the feeding of livestock; grazing II. verb (pastured; pasturing) intransitive verb graze, browse transitive verb 1. to feed (as cattle) on pasture 2. to use as pasture