1) возобновление 2) восстановление 3) реставрирование
1) восстановление; реставрация 2) ремонт; восстановление 3) рекультивация (земель)
имя существительное 1) восстановление, реконструкция, реставрация Синоним(ы): renewal, resumption 2) (the Restoration) [историческое] Реставрация (в 1660 г. в Англии) 3) восстановление здоровья, реабилитация 4) ремонт
noun 1. an act of restoring or the condition of being restored: as a. a bringing back to a former position or condition; reinstatement Example: the restoration of peace b. restitution c. a restoring to an unimpaired or improved condition Example: the restoration of a painting d. the replacing of missing teeth or crowns 2. something that is restored; especially a representation or reconstruction of the original form (as of a fossil or a building) 3. capitalized a. the reestablishing of the monarchy in England in 1660 under Charles II b. the period in English history usually held to coincide with the reign of Charles II but sometimes to extend through the reign of James II