имя существительное 1) [религия, сокращение] St, S. а) святой (канонизированный) Например: saints of Islam — святые ислама б) безгрешный человек, святой, праведник, Божий угодник в) блаженный 2) [ироническое] святоша 3) (the saint) верующие, христианине
I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French seint, saint, from Late Latin sanctus, from Latin, sacred, from past participle of sancire to make sacred — more at sacred 1. one officially recognized especially through canonization as preeminent for holiness 2. a. one of the spirits of the departed in heaven b. angel 1a 3. a. one of God's chosen and usually Christian people b. capitalized a member of any of various Christian bodies; specifically Latter-day Saint 4. one eminent for piety or virtue 5. an illustrious predecessor • saintdom noun • saintlike adjective II. transitive verb to recognize or designate as a saint; specifically canonize
1. Symbolic Automatic INTegrator. 2. Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool.