1) радиосвязь 2) радиоприёмник
беспроводной термин указывает, что передача данных от одного сетевого устройства к другому осуществляется с помощью электромагнитных волн Смотри также: wireless connection, wireless LAN
1. имя существительное 1) а) радио, радиосвязь; радиовещание Например: by wireless — по радио beam wireless — лучевая радиосвязь, прожекторная радиосвязь The message came over the wireless loud and clear. — Сообщение, переданное по радио, прозвучало громко и отчётливо. б) радиостанция Синоним(ы): radio 2) радиограмма Синоним(ы): radiotelegram 3) радиоприёмник Синоним(ы): radio, receiving set, wireless set 2. прилагательное 1) беспроводной, беспроволочный Например: wireless communication — беспроводная, беспроволочная связь 2) радио- Например: wireless net — радиосеть wireless telephone — радиотелефон wireless set — радиоприёмник wireless operator — радист wireless beacon — радиомаяк wireless bearing — радиопеленг wireless mechanic — радиотехник wireless microphone — радиомикрофон wireless telegraphy — беспроволочный телеграф, радиотелеграфия 3. глагол передавать по радио, посылать сообщение по радио; посылать радиограмму
I. adjective 1. having no wire or wires; specifically operating by means of transmitted electromagnetic waves Example: a wireless remote 2. a. of or relating to radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, or radio Example: a wireless phone b. of or relating to data communications using radio waves Example: wireless Internet access • wirelessly adverb II. noun 1. telecommunication (as radiotelegraphy or radiotelephony) involving signals transmitted by radio waves rather than over wires; also the technology used in radio telecommunication 2. chiefly British radio
A term describing a computer network where there is no physical connection (either copper cable or fibre optics) between sender and receiver, but instead they are connected by radio. Applications for wireless networks include multi-party teleconferencing, distributed work sessions, personal digital assistants, and electronic newspapers. They include the transmission of voice, video, images, and data, each traffic type with possibly differing bandwidth and quality-of-service requirements. The wireless network components of a complete source-destination path requires consideration of mobility, hand-off, and varying transmission and bandwidth conditions. The wired/wireless network combination provides a severe bandwidth mismatch, as well as vastly different error conditions. The processing capability of fixed vs. mobile terminals may be expected to differ significantly. This then leads to such issues to be addressed in this environment as admission control, capacity assignment and hand-off control in the wireless domain, flow and error control over the complete end-to-end path, dynamic bandwidth control to accommodate bandwidth mismatch and/or varying processing capability.