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Англо-русский научно-технический словарь


сокращение от function функция

Англо-русский политехнический словарь


1. имя существительное веселье, забава Например: figure of fun — предмет насмешек to have fun — веселиться to poke fun at somebody — смеяться над кем-либо to make fun of somebody — высмеивать кого-либо; подсмеиваться над кем-либо to spoil the fun — испортить праздник He is great fun. — Он очень забавен. What fun! — Как смешно! / Вот потеха! for fun; in fun — веселья ради, шутки ради Синоним(ы): pleasure 2. глагол [преимущественно американский вариант английского языка, используется в разговорной речи] шутить, веселиться, дурачиться Синоним(ы): fool, joke

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. noun Etymology: English dialect fun to hoax, perhaps alteration of Middle English fonnen, from fonne dupe 1. what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically playful often boisterous action or speech Example: full of fun 2. a mood for finding or making amusement Example: all in fun 3. a. amusement, enjoyment Example: sickness takes all the fun out of life b. derisive jest; sport, ridicule Example: a figure of fun 4. violent or excited activity or argument Example: let a snake loose in the classroom; then the fun began Synonyms: fun, jest, sport, game, play mean action or speech that provides amusement or arouses laughter. fun usually implies laughter or gaiety but may imply merely a lack of serious or ulterior purpose Example: played cards just for fun. jest implies lack of earnestness in what is said or done and may suggest a hoaxing or teasing Example: hurt by remarks said only in jest. sport applies especially to the arousing of laughter against someone Example: teasing begun in sport led to anger. game is close to sport and often stresses mischievous or malicious fun Example: made game of their poor relations. play stresses the opposition to earnest without implying any malice or mischief Example: pretended to strangle his brother in play. II. intransitive verb (funned; funning) to indulge in banter or play; joke III. adjective (sometimes funner; sometimes funnest) 1. providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment Example: a fun party Example: a fun person to be with 2. full of fun; pleasant Example: a fun night Example: have a fun time

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера


A typed lambda-calculus, similar to SOL[2].

Онлайн словарь компьютерных терминов