
глагол 1) завоёвывать, покорять; порабощать; подчинять; подавлять (силой оружия) Синоним(ы): subjugate, subdue, vanquish 2) преодолеть, победить, подчинить себе, побороть (препятствия, помехи, сопротивление) Например: to conquer fear — преодолеть страх Синоним(ы): overcome, surmount 3) покорить, взять вершину (в альпинизме) Например: Three of the more important peaks had been conquered. — Три наиболее важные вершины были покорены.

Большой англо-русский словарь


verb (conquered; conquering) Etymology: Middle English, to acquire, conquer, from Anglo-French conquerre, from Vulgar Latin *conquaerere, alteration of Latin conquirere to search for, collect, from com- + quaerere to ask, search transitive verb 1. to gain or acquire by force of arms; subjugate Example: conquer territory 2. to overcome by force of arms; vanquish Example: conquered the enemy 3. to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition Example: conquered the mountain 4. to overcome by mental or moral power; surmount Example: conquered her fear intransitive verb to be victorious • conqueror noun Synonyms: conquer, vanquish, defeat, subdue, reduce, overcome, overthrow mean to get the better of by force or strategy. conquer implies gaining mastery of Example: Caesar conquered Gaul. vanquish implies a complete overpowering Example: vanquished the enemy and ended the war. defeat does not imply the finality or completeness of vanquish which it otherwise equals Example: the Confederates defeated the Union forces at Manassas. subdue implies a defeating and suppression Example: subdued the native tribes after years of fighting. reduce implies a forcing to capitulate or surrender Example: the city was reduced after a month-long siege. overcome suggests getting the better of with difficulty or after hard struggle Example: overcame a host of bureaucratic roadblocks. overthrow stresses the bringing down or destruction of existing power Example: violently overthrew the old regime.

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера