
I прилагательное телесный Например: corporal defects — физические недостатки corporal punishment — телесное наказание, порка Синоним(ы): physical II имя существительное капрал Например: ship's corporal — капрал корабельной полиции III имя существительное; [религия] антиминс (шёлковое напрестольное покрывало, на котором совершается таинство евхаристии)

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin corporale, from Latin, neuter of corporalis; from the doctrine that the bread of the Eucharist becomes or represents the body of Christ a linen cloth on which the eucharistic elements are placed II. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin corporalis, from corpor-, corpus body — more at midriff 1. obsolete corporeal, physical 2. of, relating to, or affecting the body Example: corporal punishmentcorporally adverb III. noun Etymology: Middle French, lowest noncommissioned officer, alteration of caporal, from Old Italian caporale, from capo head, from Latin caput — more at head a noncommissioned officer ranking in the army above a private first class and below a sergeant and in the marine corps above a lance corporal and below a sergeant

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера