глагол 1) заключать, включать в себя, содержать в себе Например: Included among the guests were a number of famous musicians. — Среди гостей было несколько известных музыкантов. Do you include walking among your amusements? — Числите ли вы прогулки пешком среди вещей, от которых вы получаете удовольствие? Синоним(ы): comprise, contain, involve, embrace, comprehend Антоним(ы): exclude, omit 2) включать, присоединять Например: Have you included the chairman in your list of committee members? — Вы включили председателя в ваш список членов комитета?
transitive verb (included; including) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin includere, from in- + claudere to close — more at close 1. to shut up; enclose 2. to take in or comprise as a part of a whole or group 3. to contain between or within Example: two sides and the included angle • includable or includible adjective Synonyms: include, comprehend, embrace, involve mean to contain within as part of the whole. include suggests the containment of something as a constituent, component, or subordinate part of a larger whole Example: the price of dinner includes dessert. comprehend implies that something comes within the scope of a statement or definition Example: his system comprehends all history. embrace implies a gathering of separate items within a whole Example: her faith embraces both Christian and non-Christian beliefs. involve suggests inclusion by virtue of the nature of the whole, whether by being its natural or inevitable consequence Example: the new job involves a lot of detail.
[Usenet] 1. To duplicate a portion (or whole) of another's message (typically with attribution to the source) in a reply or followup, for clarifying the context of one's response.
See the discussion of inclusion styles under "Hacker Writing Style".
2. [C] "#include