
1) соединение 2) стык; шов; спай

Англо-русский политехнический словарь


имя существительное 1) соединение (как процесс); присоединение, сращивание Синоним(ы): joining, junction 2) а) место соединения, скрещивания, скрепления Например: It stands at the juncture of that great river with another. — Он стоит там, где в эту великую реку впадает другая. б) [устаревшее] сустав (скелета) 3) [лингвистика] стык (морфем, фонем, синтаксических структур) 4) [технический термин] стык; шов; место стыка, спайки Например: close juncture — плотный стык open juncture — открытый стык Синоним(ы): joint 5) сложное стечение обстоятельств, сложившаяся (критическая) ситуация Например: at this juncture — при таком стечении обстоятельств; при наблюдаемом положении дел in the present critical juncture of things — при критическом в данный момент положении дел

Большой англо-русский словарь


noun 1. a. joint, connection b. the manner of transition or mode of relationship between two consecutive sounds in speech 2. an instance of joining; junction 3. a point of time; especially one made critical by a concurrence of circumstances Synonyms: juncture, exigency, emergency, contingency, pinch, straits, crisis mean a critical or crucial time or state of affairs. juncture stresses the significant concurrence or convergence of events Example: an important juncture in our country's history. exigency stresses the pressure of restrictions or urgency of demands created by a special situation Example: provide for exigencies. emergency applies to a sudden unforeseen situation requiring prompt action to avoid disaster Example: the presence of mind needed to deal with emergencies. contingency implies an emergency or exigency that is regarded as possible but uncertain of occurrence Example: contingency plans. pinch implies urgency or pressure for action to a less intense degree than exigency or emergency Example: come through in a pinch. straits applies to a troublesome situation from which escape is extremely difficult Example: in dire straits. crisis applies to a juncture whose outcome will make a decisive difference Example: a crisis of confidence.

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера