
1. прилагательное [сравнительная степень] older, [устаревшее] elder; [превосходная степень] oldest, [устаревшее] eldest 1) а) старый Например: to grow / get old — состариться Синоним(ы): aged, elderly Антоним(ы): adolescent, young, youthful б) старческий Синоним(ы): senile 2) такого-то возраста, стольких-то лет Например: How old is she? — Сколько ей лет? He is twenty-two years old. — Ему двадцать два года. 3) опытный, долго занимавшийся чем-либо Синоним(ы): practised, experienced, skilled, clever, knowing 4) давнишний, старинный Например: old family — старинный род Синоним(ы): ancient, antique 5) [используется в разговорной речи] добрый, славный, хороший Например: old chap / fellow / guy / man — дружище, старина old woman — старушка, подруга old thing — голубушка, дружок to have a high old time — хорошо повеселиться Синоним(ы): great, grand 6) поношенный, потрёпанный, обветшалый 7) бывший, прежний; предыдущий Синоним(ы): former 8) старый, выдержанный (о вине) old Например: as old as the hills — старо, как мир; очень старый an old head on young shoulders — мудрость не по возрасту; мудрый не по годам the Old Man of the Sea — человек, от которого трудно отделаться; прилипала to come the old soldier over somebody — поучать кого-либо, учить жизни 2. имя существительное 1) (the old) [употребляется с глаголами во множественном числе] старики, пожилые люди Например: old and young — стар и млад; старики и молодёжь 2) прошлое, стародавние времена Например: of old — прежде, в прежнее время from of old — исстари; в старину men of old — люди прежних времён in the days of old — в былые времена

Большой англо-русский словарь


I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English eald; akin to Old High German alt old, Latin alere to nourish, alescere to grow, altus high, deep 1. a. dating from the remote past; ancient Example: old traditions b. persisting from an earlier time Example: an old ailment Example: they brought up the same old argument c. of long standing Example: an old friend 2. a. distinguished from an object of the same kind by being of an earlier date Example: many still used the old name b. capitalized belonging to an early period in the development of a language or literature Example: Old Persian 3. having existed for a specified period of time Example: a child three years old 4. of, relating to, or originating in a past era Example: old chronicles record the event 5. a. advanced in years or age Example: an old person b. showing the characteristics of age Example: looked old at 20 6. experienced Example: an old trooper speaking of the last war 7. former Example: his old students 8. a. showing the effects of time or use; worn, aged Example: old shoes b. no longer in use; discarded Example: old rags c. of a grayish or dusty color Example: old mauve d. tiresome Example: gets old fast 9. a. long familiar Example: same old story Example: good old Joe b. — used as an intensive Example: a high old time c. — used to express an attitude of affection or amusement Example: a big old dog Example: flex the old biceps Example: any old time Synonyms: old, ancient, venerable, antique, antiquated, archaic, obsolete mean having come into existence or use in the more or less distant past. old may apply to either actual or merely relative length of existence Example: old houses Example: an old sweater of mine. ancient applies to occurrence, existence, or use in or survival from the distant past Example: ancient accounts of dragons. venerable stresses the impressiveness and dignity of great age Example: the family's venerable patriarch. antique applies to what has come down from a former or ancient time Example: collected antique Chippendale furniture. antiquated implies being discredited or outmoded or otherwise inappropriate to the present time Example: antiquated teaching methods. archaic implies having the character or characteristics of a much earlier time Example: the play used archaic language to convey a sense of period. obsolete may apply to something regarded as no longer acceptable or useful even though it is still in existence Example: a computer that makes earlier models obsolete. II. noun 1. one of a specified age — usually used in combination Example: a 3-year-old 2. old or earlier time — used in the phrase of old Example: the cavalry of old

Энциклопедический словарь Мерриама-Вебстера