имя существительное 1) [полиграфическое и издательское дело] тильда 2) [лингвистика] тильда а) диакритический знак над буквой n, обозначающий мягкость (в испанском языке) б) диакритический знак над буквами a, o, указывающий на назализацию (в португальском языке) 3) [математика] знак отрицания
noun Etymology: Spanish, from Medieval Latin titulus tittle 1. a mark ˜ placed especially over the letter n (as in Spanish señor sir) to denote the sound [nʸ] or over vowels (as in Portuguese irmã sister) to indicate nasality 2. a. the mark tilde used to indicate negation in logic and the geometric relation “is similar to” in mathematics b. the mark tilde used to indicate an approximate value
"~" ASCII character 126. Common names are: ITU-T: tilde; squiggle; twiddle; not. Rare: approx; wiggle; swung dash; enyay; INTERCAL: sqiggle (sic). Used as C's prefix bitwise negation operator; and in Unix csh, GNU Emacs, and elsewhere, to stand for the current user's home directory, or, when prefixed to a login name, for the given user's home directory. The "swung dash" or "approximation" sign is not quite the same as tilde in typeset material but the ASCII tilde serves for both (compare angle brackets).